Jumat, 18 November 2011

Conversation Practice

Please call me Beth

·        Hello/ hi. Good morning/afternoon/evening.
·        How are you?
·        What’s your first/last name?
·        What’s your firs/last name again?
·        How do you spell that?
·        Where are you from?
·        Where’s (classmate) from?
·        Are you and (classmate) from (country)?
·        How are your classes? What are your classmates like?
·        Are you and (classmate) in the same class?
·        Are your classes interesting?
·        Is your English class in the morning?
·        Are you free after class?

Taken from : Interchange book I Second Edition

Rabu, 16 November 2011



 IEC Goes to Borobudur Temple
IEC Goes to school

Mr. Alan is teaching at SMPN 5 TAMSEL

 Mr. Alan and The Principal of SMPN 5 TAMSEL in action

 Learning with the beautiful teacher

 Story Telling Contest

 Kids at IEC Bekasi 09 have fun with CLEVO milk

Senin, 14 November 2011

Guru And Staff


Sederet Team Pengajar beserta Staff
Mohon Maaf bagi yang belum di pajang ya....

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Lokasi IEC Bekasi 09A

Denah Lokasi IEC BEKASI 09 A

Jl. Mangunjaya No. 4 Tambun Selatan , Bekasi
Telp/ Fax :  88324908

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Kegiatan Extra Curricular

 Kegiatan Daily Meeting. Dimana para siswa dapat langsung mempraktikan kemampuan berbicara (Speaking)
Kegiatan Outbond juga sering dilakukan dalam rangka penyegaran pembelajaran di luar kelas (Outing Program)