Kategori : Reach Out 1
The Ant and The Dove
He was not careful and fell in the river.
The Dove on a branch heard the scream. “Oh no! Someone is in
trouble. “He dropped a leaf to the Ant. “Thank you, Mr. Dove” said the Ant.
A few days later dove was making a nest. A hunter was
getting close to the dove with a gun. The Ant bit the hunter’s hand. “Ouch!”
the Dove heard a scream and flew away.
The Goose with the Golden Egg
One day a countryman went and saw the nest of the goose. He wanted
to check if the goose had laid eggs that he could sell to the market. There he
saw several eggs lying in the nest. Among them was a thing yellow and
When he took it up, it was as heavy as a lead. He was going
to throw it away because he thought it was just a trick. But he took it home on
second thoughts and soon found it was an egg of pure gold.
Every morning the same thing happened, and he soon became
rich his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy. He wanted to get at once all the
gold the Goose could give so he killed and opened it only to find nothing.
The Ant and The
One summer day the weather was
very bright. A grasshopper was seen hopping about chirping and singing. He looked
very cheerful and happy that day. An ant passed by, carrying an ear of corn on
the way to the nest.
“Why not come to and chat with
me,” said the Grasshopper, “It’s a beautiful day.”
“I’m helping to lay up food for
winter,” said the Ant , “recommended you
to do the same.”
“Why bother about the winter?”
said the Grasshopper. We have got a lot of food at present. “But the Ant went
on its way
and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper
had no food and found himself cold and starving. In the meantime, the Ants were
busy distributing corn and grain from the store. Then the Grasshopper knew. “It
is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
Kategori : Reach Out 2
The Shepherd Boy
A young shepherd boy tended his
sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. He felt rather lonely all
day. So he thought of a plan by which he could get some excitement. He rushed
down towards the village calling out ”Wolf, Wolf”, and the villagers came out
to meet him. This pleased boy so much that a few days later he tried the same
trick, and again the villagers came to his
Shortly after this a Wolf did
come from the forest and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried
out “Wolf, wolf,” But this time the villagers thought the boy just deceived
and nobody came to help. So the wolf made a good meal of the
boys’ flock. When the boy complained, a wise man of the village said. “ A liar
will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.”
A thirsty crow came upon a
Pitcher which had once full of water. When he puts its beak into the mouth of
the Pitcher he found that it was only half full. That is why it was difficult
for him to reach down to get the remaining water. He tried and tried but at
last he had to give up despair. The he had an idea, and he took a pebble and
dropped into the Pitcher.
Then he
took another pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. He repeated the same thing
over and over again. After many pebbles, he saw the water mount up near him. At
last, after casting in a few more pebbles he was able to reach the water at the
top of the Pitcher. Then he drank the water until he quenched his thirst.
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Milkmaid and the Pail
Kategori : Step Out 1
The Hare and The Tortoise
The Cat and The Fox
The Dog and The Reflection
In happened that a Dog had got
a bone. He was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. On his was
home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he
looked down and saw his own reflection in the water beneath.
dog thought it was another dog with another bone. So he made up his mind to
have this bone also.
The he made a snap at the reflection in
the water.
As he opened his mouth, however, the one came
out, and dropped into the water. He found that
the real
bone was now gone and the dog had never
found it
Reach Out
Miser and His Gold
A Miser used to hide his gold in the garden behind his
house. Every week he used to go and dig it up. But he never took it. He just
look at and it made himself happy. A robber who noticed it went and dug up the
gold and stole it. When the Miser came to look at it he found nothing but an
empty hole. Suddenly he cried and all the neighbors come around him.
“Did you ever take any of it out?” asked one of them
“No,” he said, “ I only came to look at it
“Then come again and look at the whole,” said the neighbor.”
It should make you happy.
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Wolf was walking around the bush to find a prey for meals. Then
he saw a herd of sheep not far from him. A Shepherd guarded the sheep alertly. It
was difficult for the Wolf to get at the sheep pelt and strolled down among the
The lamb that belonged to the sheep whose skin the wolf was
wearing, began to follow the Wolf. The Lamb did not realize the one he followed
was in fact the Wolf in Sheep’s clothing. So leading the lamb a little apart. He
soon made a meal off her. For some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep and
enjoying delicious meals.
The Fox
and the Crow
A fox saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak
and settle on a branch of tree.
“That’s for me, as I am a fox, “said the Fox, and he walked
up to the foot of a tree.
“Good day, Mistress Crow,” he cried.”How wonderful you look
today! Your feathers are so and your eyes are so bright. I am sure your
surpasses that of the other birds, just as our body does. Let me hear just one
song from you. After that I may greet you as the Queen of the birds.”
The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best. The moment
she opened her mouth, however,the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to
be snapped by Matter Fox “That will do”, said will do, ”That was I all wanted.
“Do not ever trust flatters.”
The Milkmaid and the Pail
Patty the Milkmaid was going to the market carrying her milk
in a pail on her head. As she went along she began to think of what she would
do with the money she would earn from selling the milk. “I’ll buy some fowls
from Farmer Brown, he said,” Then they will lay eggs each morning, which I will
sell to the parson’s wife. With the money I will buy myself a new motorcycle
and save some money in the bank. Everybody will come up and speak to me. Some women
will be jealous, but I don’t care. I will just look at her and toss my head
like this. As she spoke she tossed her head back, the pail fell off it, and all
the milk was split. So she had to go home and tell her mother what had
happened. “Ah, my child,” said the mother, “Do not count your chickens before
they hatch.”
Kategori : Step Out 1
Lion , Jupiter and Elephant
The Lion the strongest among wild animals is a coward in one
thing. He can’t bear the sound of a cock cowing. He always runs away whenever
he hears it. He complains to Jupiter about this. But Jupiter said it wasn’t his
fault. He had done his best he could for him . the Lion, however, was not
satisfied. Then he met the Elephant and had a talk with him . he found that
Elephant was afraid of gnats. The Lion’s spirit rose at once. He felt luckier
than the Elephant he thought: if a huge animal like Elephant is afraid of gnat
why should I be afraid of a cock who is ten thousand times than a gnat?”
The Hare and The Tortoise
The Hare was boasting of his speed. “ Nobody can beat me.” I
challenge anyone race with me. The Tortoise said quietly: “ I accept your
challenge”. “Are you kidding me?” said the Hare.
Soon they fixed the course
and started the race. The Hare was soon out of sight. He believed the Tortoise
could never catch him. So , he lay down by the tree to have a nap. The Cat and The Fox
One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation . the fox
said : “Why , I know hundred of tricks to get away from our mutual enemy, the
dogs,” The cat said,” I know only one trick to get away from them. “You should
teach me some of your tricks!” Well someday I will teach you a few of the
simple ones,” replied the fox airily.
Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the
distance. The barking grew louder and louder. The dogs were coming in their
directions! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its
branches. She settled in a position out of reach of the dogs. “This is the trick
I told you about,” she called down to the fox.”Which one of your hundred tricks
are you going to use?”
The fox sat silently under the tree. She was wondering which
trick she could use. Before she made up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell
upon the fox and tore her into pieces
Ass and the Lapdog
Once a farmer owned an ass and a lapdog. The Ass
worked hard hauling heavy loads. At night he lived in a dirty stable. On the
hand the lapdog led and easy life. He lived in the house with his master. He was
even allowed to sit on his lap. This made the ass grow jealous of the lapdog. “I wish the master would treat
me like him,” sighed the ass.
“Perhaps if I behave like him the master will
love me as well.”One day the ass was left free
because the farmer was having his mid day meal. The ass broke his halter and
ran into the farmhouse kitchen. The ass
rushed up to him and began wagging its tail, and knocked off the all chins from the table.
Then he started jumping around and licking like a dog, and jumped on the master’s lap. This shocked the
master who yelled for help. The farmhands
came running in and dragged the ass off to his stable.
Lion and the Mouse
“I beg you to let me go, dear
lion” cried the mouse pitifully ,” I am too small for you to eat. I promise to
help you one day. The lion laughed at the idea of the mouse. He did not believe
the muse was able to help him. Anyhow he finally decided to let him go.
day the lion was caught in a trap.
rolled over his body to free himself
from the trap but he failed. He finally
got desperate.
When he was lying hopelessly in the trap he heard a soft
over him. “I came to help you as I promised the other day.”
It was the little
mouse that spoke to him! The mouse began to gnaw
away the rope that bound the lion. Finally the lion could come out and thanked to
him. “ you have saved my life, I will never forget about this.”
North Wind and the Sun
One day North Wind and the Sun
were boasting about their own strengths. “I am stronger than you are,,” said
the North wind. “ I can throw down trees and make huge waves in the sea.” “I am
stronger than you are,” said the Sun. “I can make flowers bloom and ripen wheat
in the field.”
Day by day they kept
quarreling. The East Wind and the Moon were annoyed and asked them to compete. Then
a man in a big coat was walking along in the field. “Look at that man. Who can make him take off his
coat?” said the Moon. And the East Wind said: and after that you must stop
North wind started the competition. He blew the coldest
wind. The coat did sway in the wind but the man drew it closer to his neck. In turn
the Sun rose higher and shone the man. The man took the buttons off. The Sun
kept shining on him. Finally the man took off his coat, and he perspired. The Sun
won the competition.
and the Lion
Many years ago there lived a
poor slaved named Androcles. At that
time slaves had miserable life. They did not have food to eat. They had to work
extra hard all day. Other wise they were sent to Rome to feed the lions.
One day Androcles had a chance
to escape. He ran and ran until he became tired. At last he hid in a cave to
rest. He was lying there for a while when he saw a big lion come off the bush. He
was limped and looked painful. At first Androcles was scared. But he found the
lion harmless. He saw the lion’s paw swollen and bleeding. There were thorns
over the paw
the injury and wrapped it with leaves. It made
him warm
and the whole night. Soon they became friends.
Years went by, Androcles was caught and
sent to an arena.
There he had to fight against a big lion.
As soon as the gate
opened the big lion came out. Androcles
closed his eyes and
waited for his death. He felt something licking
his face.
He opened his eyes and recognized him. It was the lion-
his friend! Androcles embraced him. The onlooker in the
arena gave big applause.
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